Introducing the Shell


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is a command shell and why would I use one?

  • Explain what the shell is and how it relates to graphical interfaces.

  • Explain when and why command-line interfaces should be used instead of graphical interfaces.

The Bash shell a text-based program that interactively allows you to run other programs.

You’ll be familiar with the graphical way of dealing with computers, like the interfaces that Windows and Macs give you - sometimes called GUIs (graphical user interfaces). You run an application, it gives you windows and buttons and menus to interact with to access its functions and achieve a result. The Bash shell also gives you a means to access the functionality provided by your computer and other programs, but it does so in a different way. It allows you to type commands into your computer to get results instead, and when the command has finished running, it prints out the results. And then the shell allows you to type in another command… And so on.


Imagine the shell a little like working with a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa. You ask your computer questions, and your computer responds with an answer.

The shell is called the shell because it encloses the machine’s operating system - which could be Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux - giving you a wrapper-like interface to interact with it. Another, more general way, of referring to the shell is the command line, since it provides an interface into which you type commands line-by-line.

Why use it?

So why use the Bash shell?

Now on the flip side, it does have a steeper learning curve generally than using graphical programs. Applications and programs also need to work on the command line to be able to take advantage of it. But knowing just a little can be very useful, and in your careers you will very likely come across quite a few programs that have command line interfaces so it’s helpful to have some experience with it.

Key Points

  • The shell lets you define repeatable workflows.

  • The shell is available on systems where graphical interfaces are not.