Version Control with Git

  1. Conflicts

Learning Objectives

  • Explain what conflicts are and when they can occur.
  • Resolve conflicts resulting from a merge.

As soon as people can work in parallel, someone is going to step on someone else’s toes.

This will even happen with a single person: if we are working on a piece of software on both our laptop and a server in the lab, we could make different changes to each copy.

These situations are called conflicts Version control helps us manage these conflicts by giving us tools to resolve overlapping changes.

To see how we can resolve conflicts, we must first create one. We’ll do this in the file- we’ll edit it in two different branches, and try to merge them together. The file currently looks like this in our repository:

$ cat
"""A library to perform rainfall unit conversions"""

def inches_to_mm(inches):
    """Convert inches to milimetres.

    inches -- the rainfall inches
    mm = inches * 25.4
    return mm

Feature branch - modify and push

Conflicts - feature branch

Conflicts - feature branch

Starting from the dev branch, let’s create a new feature branch, check it out, then add a line to our copy of

$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev'
$ git branch inches_to_cm
$ git checkout inches_to_cm
Switched to branch 'inches_to_cm'
$ nano
$ cat
"""A library to perform rainfall unit conversions"""

def inches_to_mm(inches):
    """Convert inches to milimetres.

    inches -- the rainfall inches
    mm = inches * 25.4
    return mm

# TODO: Add function to convert from inches to centimetres

and then push the change to GitHub:

$ git add
$ git commit -m "Added a ToDo for the new function"
[inches_to_cm 4d57c19] Added a ToDo for the new function
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)   
$ git push -u origin inches_to_cm
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 359 bytes | 359.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'inches_to_cm' on GitHub by visiting:
 * [new branch]      inches_to_cm -> inches_to_cm
Branch 'inches_to_cm' set up to track remote branch 'inches_to_cm' from 'origin'.  

As before, we added a -u to git push -u origin inches_to_cm to set the default remote branch- now in future, we can just use git push to send our updates.

Dev branch - modify and push

Conflicts - dev branch

Conflicts - dev branch

Now, before we merge in our updated feature branch, let’s make a change to the dev branch:

$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev'
$ nano
$ cat
"""A library to perform rainfall unit conversions"""

def inches_to_mm(inches):
    """Convert inches to milimetres.

    inches -- the rainfall inches
    mm = inches * 25.4
    return mm

# TODO: Fix to accept strings e.g. 6'

We can commit the change locally:

$ git add
$ git commit -m "Added a ToDo for a bug fix"
[dev 35edcc1] Added a ToDo for a bug fix
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)   
$ git push -u origin dev
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 337 bytes | 337.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
   7ef49c0..4e75bf0  dev -> dev
Branch 'dev' set up to track remote branch 'dev' from 'origin'.   

GitHub - merging the changes

Conflicts - problem

Conflicts - problem

Now, let’s try merging our work from the inches_to_cm branch into the dev branch, just like we did with doc.

Conflict Pull Request

Conflict Pull Request

Git detects that the changes made in one copy overlap with those made in the other and stops us from trampling on the work in the dev branch.

Conflicts Pull Request #2

Conflicts Pull Request #2

We can create the pull request anyway. In order to complete it though, what we have to do is merge the changes from the dev branch into our feature branch, and then push that.

Conflicts Pull Request #3

Conflicts Pull Request #3

You can do this on GitHub, but we’re going to do it locally.

Feature branch - pulling the changes

Conflicts - resolution

Conflicts - resolution

So now we need to merge the changes from dev into our featue branch, to get it up to date.

Let’s check out inches_to_cm again:

$ git checkout inches_to_cm
Switched to branch 'inches_to_cm'

We can do this by pulling the dev branch into the inches_to_cm branch:

$ git pull origin dev
 * branch            dev        -> FETCH_HEAD
 CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
 Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.   

Git recognises that there’s a conflict! Both branches have tried to edit the same line of It adds some markers to the file, so we can see where the conflict is:

$ cat
""" A library to perform rainfall unit conversions """

def inches_to_mm(inches):
    Convert inches to milimetres.
    inches -- the rainfal inches
    mm = inches * 25.4
    return mm

<<<<<<< HEAD
# TODO: Add function to convert from inches to cm
# TODO: Fix to accept strings e.g. 6'
>>>>>>> 4e75bf05f7b8df642d7c34dc593e8548b4331f8c  

Our change—the one in HEAD—is preceded by <<<<<<<. Git has then inserted ======= as a separator between the conflicting changes and marked the end of the content downloaded from GitHub with >>>>>>>. (The string of letters and digits after that marker identifies the revision we’ve just downloaded.)

It is now up to us to edit this file to remove these markers and reconcile the changes.

We can do anything we want: keep the change made in the local repository, keep the change made in the remote repository, write something new to replace both, or get rid of the change entirely.

Let’s replace both so that the file looks like this:

$ cat
"""A library to perform rainfall unit conversions"""

def inches_to_mm(inches):
    """Convert inches to milimetres.

    inches -- the rainfall inches
    mm = inches * 25.4
    return mm

# TODO: Fix to accept strings e.g. 6', and add function to convert inches to cm

To finish merging, we add to the changes being made by the merge and then commit:

$ git add
$ git status
On branch inches_to_cm
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/inches_to_cm'.
All conflicts fixed but you are still merging.
   (use "git commit" to conclude merge)
Changes to be committed:

$ git commit -m "Merging in changes from dev"
[inches_to_cm 9896aa7] Merging in changes from dev 

Now we can push our changes to GitHub:

$ git push
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 370 bytes | 370.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
   2eb987f..9896aa7  inches_to_cm -> inches_to_cm 

You can see that the pull request online has updated! (If it hasn’t try refreshing the page)

Conflict Pull Request #4

Conflict Pull Request #4

Now we can automatically merge the changes from the inches_to_cm branch back into dev.

Merge conflict solved

We’ve solved our merge conflict! Though this was a small and simple example, the process is the same even for more complicated ones with multiple conflicting lines in the same file- Git will bundle up nearby changes into blocks you can easily compare.


Ignoring Things